Vol. 3 No. 4 (2024): Indonesian Health Journal

Published: 2024-12-14

This issue has been available online since 25 December 2024 All articles in this issue (5 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 5 authors from 1 countries (Indonesian).

Effectiveness of Surgical Interventions in Chronic Venous Insufficiency: An Evidence-Based Systematic Review

I Putu Rangga Rasnadea Tama, Danniel Loogman Prayogo, Putu Indri Manikasari, I Putu Gede Sudiartha, Anak Agung Ngurah Pretangga
View: 80 313-321

Management of Haemophilic Pseudotumor of Left-Hand in A Paediatric Patient: a Case Report

Udi Heru Nefi Hancoro, Totok Siswanto, Muhammad Dzulfikar
View: 108 277-287

19 Years Old Male Patient with Cholelithiasis: A Case Report

Putu Bagus Aditya Putra Semara, I Made Suma Wirawan
View: 85 322-329
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