Correlation between Alcohol Consumption Habits, Age, and Gender with Health Quality of Life among Middle and High School Students in Bolaang Mongondow Regency

Roi Ocrico Isa, Dina Victoria Rombot, Aaltje Ellen Manampiring


Alcohol is a dangerous psychoactive substance, one of the factors contributing to many diseases and injuries. A quarter of the world's population, aged 15-19 years old, consumes alcohol. Adolescence's physical, cognitive, and psychological aspects proliferate, making it crucial to forming health foundations. Indonesian adolescents' health-related quality of life is still low (7%). Previous studies have indicated a correlation between alcohol consumption, age, gender, and quality of life. This study aims to analyze the correlation between alcohol consumption, age, and gender with the health-related quality of life of junior high and high school students. Utilizing an analytical observational research design with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 406 secondary school students in Bolaang Mongondow Regency participated as respondents. The study employed a questionnaire and statistical analysis using Spearman's correlation test and logistic regression. The correlation test found a negative relationship between alcohol consumption habits (r = -0.115; p = 0.020) and age (r = -0.159; p = 0.001) with the health-related quality of life however, a non-significant positive relationship was found for gender (r = 0.090; p = 0.069). The OR value was 1.664 (p = 0.020) in the age group of 15-17 years compared to the 10-14 years. There was a correlation between alcohol consumption habits and age with the health-related quality of life of junior high and high school students. At the same time, gender was not significant. Age is the most influential variable.

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Roi Ocrico Isa
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
Dina Victoria Rombot
Aaltje Ellen Manampiring

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